Foursquare Is Now 1 Billion Check-ins Strong

Foursquare had a good summer — a really, really good summer. The service closed in on a $50 million round of funding, reached over 10 million users, hit 500,000 merchant accounts and started working with some of the most popular daily deals services to create new ways to encourage users to check-in.

All that hard work finally paid off because last week, the location-based check-in service surpassed 1 billion check-ins. For a company that launched in 2009, that’s not too shabby.

In honor of their 1 billionth check-in, Foursquare put together this extremely cool video that shows a bird’s eye view of the world as it populates with check-ins. You can see which countries are waking up, which ones are going to sleep – it’s pretty awesome.

Now that the service has launched in 5 new languages and has the potential to reach 1.5 billion people in their native tongue, I suspect that the map for whichever milestone comes next will be quite different and a lot busier.

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