INFOGRAPHIC: LinkedIn Inspects Data To Find Origins Of Startup Founders

Ever wonder what makes an entrepreneur? We hear the names of schools and former companies tossed around when we’re talking about the founders of the tech startup du jour, but are there certain places that foster true talent?

LinkedIn released an infographic outlining common roots for entrepreneurs including data like age, college major and location. LinkedIn found that the majority of startup founders chose technical majors like computer engineering, computer science and physics while fields like human resources, nursing and administration were the most uncommon. Stanford, Harvard and MIT were the top 3 business schools for entrepreneurs.

While founders under 30 years old are prevalent in the media, it turns out that 65 percent of entrepreneurs are over the age of 30. These founders are likely to have worked at a number of different tech companies like Apple, Adobe Systems, Electronic Arts, Microsoft, GoogleYahoo!, SGI and eBay - just look at all the startups that rose from PayPal alone. The average length of holding a position before creating a startup is 2.5 years.

Check out the infographic below and click on the image to view the full size.

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