Disney Surprise Backfires On Parents In YouTube Video

If you are a parent, you might at one point have decided to surprise your kids by taking them on the trip of a lifetime to Disney World. We recently brought you an adorable reaction video of a little girl whose mom made her dream come true by revealing the family was headed to Disneyland.

Often, parents hide the real destination of an upcoming surprise trip from their kids by letting them know about a trip to a decoy destination. However, what if your kids would actually prefer a trip to the fake destination?

In this YouTube video, the parents of two young kids break the news that instead of going to Chattanooga, Tenn. (the decoy destination), the whole family is actually going to Disney World for a week. However, that news does not sit too well with the kids, who say that they’d rather go to Chattanooga. Check out their reaction in the video.

[h/t BuzzFeed]

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One Response to Disney Surprise Backfires On Parents In YouTube Video

  1. Jaciel says:

    what the hell is in chattanooga?