INFOGRAPHIC: Twitter By The Numbers, 230M Tweets Sent Every Day

In a little over 5 years, Twitter has grown to become a global phenomenon. It is now being actively used by more than 100 million people, with hundreds of thousands of people creating Twitter accounts every day.

A new infographic published by Live Science takes a look at the numbers behind Twitter. Among the stats that are featured on the infographic is the number of tweets that are being sent every day. Since June, this figure has grown from 200 million to 230 million. It’s also claimed that Twitter activity is at its peak between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. EST.

However, it claims that the record for the number of tweets per second (TPS) was set on New Year’s Day 2011 in Japan (6,939 TPS). The current record was actually set after it was revealed that singer Beyonce is pregnant (8,868 TPS).

Check out the infographic for more interesting Twitter stats.

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One Response to INFOGRAPHIC: Twitter By The Numbers, 230M Tweets Sent Every Day

  1. Roderick says:

    An infographic is a way to visually display information, usually in an
    easy-to-read manner. There are many ways to create an infographic,
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    products like Illustrator or Processing.