Teacher Under Investigation After Calling Students Inbred On Facebook

Whether or not teachers should have public Facebook accounts is a much debated subject and many teachers are forbidden to become friends with students, which makes a lot of sense in certain cases but not in others. For every teacher who uses the service to benefit and help their students, there are handfuls that abuse it.

Recently, a governing body of a primary school in the U.K. has apologized to parents over a teacher’s offensive Facebook post. The post called the town’s locals inbred and excerpts were printed and hung on the fence outside of the school. One of the posts read, “No wonder everyone is thick … inbreeding must damage brain development” and another talked about seeing students in line at a discount store. This seems just like that scene out of the hilarious blockbuster hit “Mean Girls” when the Burn Book is exposed and causes a major fight in the hallways of the school. Somehow in real life, it just doesn’t have the same allure. It’s kind of disturbing that a teacher would think these things about the people they’re seeing every day, especially because they’re kids.

Apparently the Facebook exchange between teachers at the school has been removed from the social network and the incident is being investigated.

Teachers are constantly getting into trouble by conducting themselves in a less than professional manner on Facebook. In April a teacher was put under investigation for mocking a student on Facebook and in August, a teacher was reassigned for posting anti-gay comments on the social network.

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